With a variety of dance styles on offer, we specialise in adult dance classes (ages 16+) for absolute beginners to advanced levels. From Hip Hop dance, Club, Dancehall, Breakdance or Heels – we have a course to suit you! Our friendly and experienced instructors are passionate about teaching you to dance and to develop the skills you need in order to look and feel truly confident in your selected style. Regular dance events, studio parties and performance opportunities are also available throughout the year.
2025 Term Dates – 8 weeks duration
Term 1 1 Mon 18 Jan – Sat 8 March
Term 2 Sat 22 March – Sat 10 May
Term 3 Sat 24 May – Sat 12 July
Term 4 Sat 26 July – Sat 13 Sep
Term 5 Sat 27 Sep – Sat 15 Nov
New to dancing? Start in any Level 1 course and move your way up! We encourage students to repeat beginner courses minimum 2 times.
Group Classes vs. Private Lessons?
Group Classes
Group dance classes in a fun, social studio
Learn steps, combos and routines
Join one of our 4 week or 8 week courses
From absolute beginners to advanced
Meet new people, be part of our dance family
Best for people who want to take group classes, learn just for fun or fitness
Private Lessons
Private dance lessons, 1-on-1 lessons with your own dance instructor. Detailed info here
Accelerated learning and fast results
Perfect for catch-up lessons if you’ve missed out part of the routine. Flexible bookings!
Best for people who want step-by-step guidance and 100% personalised attention
What to Expect
Choose from a variety of styles
Beginners to advanced
No experience necessary
All ages 16+
Gain Skills & build confidence
Have fun and make friends
Supportive environment
Increase fitness levels
Teachers who care about student development
Wear any comfortable clothing & shoes
Top CBD location
Performance opportunities
Private Lessons and/or Group Classes

How a Typical Class Runs:
1. Warm-Up
Classes start with a basic Warm-Up which is set to energizing and upbeat music, ranging from current hits to old-school favourites.
2. Dance / Technique Elements
Next, students are taught some dance Technique Elements which will be used as part of the routine later in the class. Each step is named, explained, taught and then practiced to music.
3. Routine / Choreography
Students will then be taught a short routine set to the difficulty of the class. Depending which course students are enrolled in, routines may change every week, every fortnight or if preparing for a student showcase they will maintain one “main” choreography throughout the course while also learning different “short” routines each week or fortnight.
Routines are taught in an easy-to follow way and students will have the opportunity to repeat what they learn a number of times during class, in order to feel really confident and comfortable in their dancing.
4. Cool Down
Cool down exercises or stretch component. Our teachers have years of experience both in the style of class they teach as well as the art of dance instruction itself. We use only the highest quality teaching methods which ensures that each and every student has a great time participating in our classes!

Just starting out?
Here’s why we recommend some 1-on-1 learning at first:
Wherever possible and in order to develop a strong foundation, we recommend new beginners start out with some Private Lessons at first. Here, the teachers can work on your particular needs and with your goals and abilities in mind – which will give you the best and fastest results. Privates are also available for those who wish to accelerate their learning, catch-up parts of a routine they’ve missed or if students want to specialise on a specific dance style.
We have many students who choose this method in order to receive a customised approach, to take advantage of the flexible bookings or when they simply wish to learn in a more private setting. Many students also opt for private lessons when preparing for upcoming events, weddings, competitions, to learn specific choreography eg. videoclips or cultural dances. More info or book an intro private lesson, click here.
Have questions? contact us.